Adam Hollier is proudly endorsed by…

Former Michigan Governor James Blanchard

Congresswoman Gwen Moore

Congressman Steven Horsford

Congresswoman Joyce Beatty

Former Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence

Former Congressman Patrick Kennedy

Wayne County Executive Warren Evans

Michigan House Speaker Joe Tate

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison

Pennsylvania Lt. Governor Austin Davis

State Senator Erika Geiss

Michigan State Senator Kevin Hertel

State Senator Mallory McMorrow

Michigan State Senator Jeremy Moss

State Senator Sylvia Santana

State Senator Dayna Polehanki

State Senator Sarah Anthony

Michigan State Representative Veronica Paiz

Michigan State Representative Tyrone Carter

Michigan State Representative Regina Weiss

Michigan State Representative Mike McFall

Wayne County Commission Chair Alisha Bell

Commissioner Tim Killeen - Wayne County

Detroit City Council President Pro-Tem James Tate

Councilman Ivery Toussant Jr. - Harper Woods

Detroit City Councilman Fred Durhal III

Detroit City Councilman Scott Benson

Former Detroit Mayor Dave Bing

Mayor Glenda McDonald - Highland Park

Mayor Arthur Bryant - Grosse Pointe Woods

Judge Greg Mathis

Rev. Dr. Steve Bland - Liberty Temple Baptist Church

Pastor Sterling Brewer - King David Missionary Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. John Duckworth - Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church

Bishop Charles Ellis - Greater Grace Temple

Rev. Ken Flowers - Greater New Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Yvette Griffin - Pilgrim Baptist Church

Bishop Zachary Hicks - Faith Clinic Ministries

Rev. Dr. Edwin H. Holmes - American Baptist Churches of Michigan

Rev. Dr. Nick Hood III - Plymouth United Church of Christ

Minister Debra King - Secretary of Council of Baptist Pastor Detroit & Vicinity

Rev. Orville K. Littlejohn - Messiah Baptist Church

Bishop Bonnie A. Perry - Episcopal Diocese of Michigan

Rev. QuanTez Pressley - Third New Hope Baptist Church

Rev. Barry Randolph - Church of the Messiah

Reverend Cindy Rudolph - Oak Grove African Methodist Episcopal Church

Pastor Lawrence Rodgers - Second Baptist Church

Bishop J. Drew Sheard - Church of God In Christ

Rev. Horace Sheffield III - New Destiny Christian Fellowship

Bishop Edgar J. Vann II - Second Ebenezer Church

Bishop Marcus Ways Sr. - Christian Gospel Center Church Of God In Christ

Reverend Richard R. White III - Council of Baptist Pastors

Rev. Keith Whitney - Sanctuary Fellowship Baptist Church